Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i'm thinking about making this into a t-shirt.... kool pic right?

Friday, December 26, 2008

yup you are seeing correct. Introducing Pete everyone.  This is a purple squirrel that has been hanging out near some school in  Hampshire, and the students there names him Pete. One explanation for Pete being purple is that he has been hanging out in a building where old ink cartridges were kept. Squirrels each through any thing thing that looks like food so Pete must have eaten through the cartridges and licked himself to clean. But what i don't get is how its been months since he showed up and he is still purple and how did he lick the top of his head, which is also purple.... anyway i think he looks a magical squirrel here to show teach us to expect the unexpected.... 

Monday, December 22, 2008

i thought this was kool, a guy who had his hand removed made his stub into a finger....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

[ sign on the street ]

i read this sign on the street and i thought it was great so i'm going to share it with you all, there was a bum [ urban explorer is what i like to call them] holding a sign that said:

I don't want your coins i want CHANGE

how deep is that....

[ broke and boujee ]

the main problem with atlanta is that everyone is someone and no one is regular. with out failure every time i meet someone out here they have an elaborate life story. Ok OK i know that some people just have interesting lives but NOT EVERYONE! i'm a producer, imma singer, imma dancer, imma imma imma.... is anyone else a broke student or a carpenter or a bus driver , well the answer is NOPE, at least not in atlanta.  So i have discovered that most people have the " broke and boujee" complex. Everyone is regular but everyone thinks they have to play this other role [ i got it ] so they end up being great pretenders and broke trying to keep up with the jones'. no money but act like you have big money and people will believe you.... well guess what I DONT BELIEVE ANY OF YOU. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ thE tHin giRl's BlUes ]

ok, ok i know the title seems a little harsh but i REALLY want to say that to everyone who tells me that i'm toO skinny. I"m sorry that i only have one chin and one belly, i'm sorry that i can eat whatever i want and it wont go to my gut. I mean seriously people, me being a  thin girl, could NEVER go up to someone one and be like.. WOW that sure is a lot of food on your plate, you should eat all of that, or you are SoOO over weight, have you tired exercising?  you see because then i would be a bitch , but when it's done to me i'm supposed to just smile.. or .... yeah what exactly am i supposed to do? and the thing is it's only big girls that seem to have this issue... some of my favorite lines are listed below: 


1. Do you eat [ actually no, i dont unless your buying ]
2. How much do you weigh? [ are you supposed to ask girls that, anyways enough ]
3. you must have a high metabolism [ ya think ]
4. i wish i was that small [ right! so you would have to write a blog about it ]
5. you are so lucky you can shop in the kids section [ uh... because dora the explorer is so cute to me i want her on my clothes ]
5. i just want to pick you up and put you in my pocket [ please dont ]
6. you should model [ @ 5'2 ? not an options thanks though ]
7. you better not go out when its windy, you'll blow right away [ actually i dont blow away i just stumble a little a$$holes =) ]
8. you need a home cooked meal that all... [ thats all?! i'm comfortable with who i am jerk, but if you are offering free food i'm taking it.]


and the list goes on and on... oh heres a list of things that i can't say to a big girl or i would be a bitch:


1. you have the biggest belly, i hope your pregnant [ if you can tell me i have a small stomach i can tell you that yours is big right? ]
2. omg you must weigh at least 377lbs [ people guess my weight why cant i do the same ]
3. i cant believe that your eating all that, actually yes i can thats how you got so big [ if you can tell me how to put on pounds, why cant i tell you how to take them off? ]
4. you must have a slow metabolism 
5. you dont date much huh?


does anyone get where i am going with this? anyway i hope so. moral of the story : no need to state the obvious because it's OBVIOUS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[ Voo-DoN't ]

..oO For some reason or another God brings the most random men/bois in to my life. i figure i can learn a little bit from everyone but this recent guy was a doozie ( i dont really know what that means it just seemed to fit there). Any who i'm not going to mentions names for fear or my life... really. So i met this guy and i had been hanging out with him for about two weeks. i wasnt very  interested from the start but i figure hey the least i could do is get a free meal out of the deal, i was bored with life so i decided to entertain it for awhile, then karma came behind me a tapped me on the should with a smirk like "you have no idea what you are getting your self into"... i brushed her off because karma is a bitch and i didnt want to deal with her at the moment. Any who over the weeks that we had been hanging out he became a weirdo. it was two weeks into us knowing each other when he dropped the "L" word, yeah he told me that he loved me and all i could say to my self is how can you love me and i dont even really like you....
[ does that make me a bitch?] so my response... awww, i'm sorry i cant say the same but your a kool person. From that moment on he began to cling to me like uuh .... like on panties.  [ sorry i'm not good at analogies] He started telling me his deep , dark secretes and really opening up to me , which made me uncomfortable because he was expecting the same from me but i wasn't willing to go there with him... he was always like you know everything about me and i know nothing about you... uhh PRECISELY. He opened up WAY to much when he dropped the most interesting thing that i have heard in a while.... he told me that in a couple weeks he planned on marrying his spirit and wanted me to come, oh but i would have to paint my face white... yup you heard right, so you can imagine the look of confusion that came over me. " your going to do what? what does that mean? and nope i cant make it" come to find out he was committing him self to his spirit because he had recently decided to start practicing voo-doo, yeah, real people apparently do that. So all i know about voo-doo is that they have these little dolls so they can fuck with people and that they are into worshiping things that i like to believe don't exist. Did i run for the door after receiving this info? of course not this is me we are talking about i need to know DETAILS. Not to mention that he gave me this sob story about how he plans on losing people in his life because it his voodoo shit and that people are to closed minded to see the good side of voo-doo. The good side!!?? are you kidding me! yup thats me being closed minded. so i began to slowly, i mean slowly  distance my self from him. I didn't want him to put "roots" on my or anything. [ oh roots means spells cause they do that type of stuff] while i began to interact with him less and less, he began to call more and more. thank GOD he doesn't have a car or he would probably be showing up at my house [ why was i talking to a guy with no car you ask? i told you i wasn't interested just bored]. Any who. this story gets worst. we had went to a jazz jam session together and i left some of the information i needed for my paper in his possession. i called him up so i could go pick it up and he informs that they told him that i stole his sun glasses.......    .......   uuhhh who is they? they said what? huh?  [ mind you its winter time and i have no need for sunglasses, i have never even seen the glasses in question and they were knock offs ...not my style, all of this on top of the fact that i never had access to his glasses and i DONT STEAL] he goes on to say that they are his " spirits" and they wouldn't' lie to him..... uuhh can you do me a favor and not call my phone anymore... your creepy. Oh and his spirits gave him a reason for me taking the glasses... i knew that he wouldn't give them to me so i just took them... WOW real creative spirits way to go. my response: uh i don't have your glasses and i hate to have to say that your spirits lied to you...In the back of my head i'm thinking YES! finally a reason to cut this off completely .. it's already creepy but i had a feeling it could get worst.. and it did. So after convincing him i didn't have his glasses he decided i should see the video from his " marriage" and for some reason i couldn't say no. i had to see what went on.... let me tell you that it was quite disturbing for someone who isn't into that at all..... they rub the persons body with a live bird then snaps the birds neck as a sacrifice, they play music and people become " possessed" with different sprits by shaking real hard, falling to the ground, etc. they whole time he is asking me if i see the beauty in it and i just looked at him with the most terrifying look that he could tell i was scared shitless. i have a hard enough time dealing with people in the present, i dont need to add the dead to my list of worries.... long story short i ended that. I told him that it was kool if thats what he is into but i dont want that to EVER be apart of my life and  if we were to remain friends he would make it apart of my life because it rules his life.... he was sad but i was relieved.... i hope he finds someone who isn't going to go running to a church after hearing what he does... good luck with that one..... moral of the story.. voo doo but i dont. Oo..
[ U N I Q U E]