Sunday, February 8, 2009

[ R E L I G I O N ]

ok. i know that everyone gets a little touchy when you start talking about politics and religion but whatever, i had a thought that i would like to share. So i remember not to long after my mom had passed away, someone [ no names, it's not like you would know them anyway =) ] told me that my preyers didn't count because i was not baptized. hmmmm. it's not like this person said it in a harsh way, or was trying to be rude, but i have learned that most people aren't trying when they are being RUDE. so if GOD created and loves all people/things, and imma a people/thing, then WTF!!! did i mention that i grew up in church? did i mention that i TRUELY have faith in a higher power? and for someone to come in and tell me that all my faith didn't matter because i didn't let some guy pour water on my head [ which i later got baptized and he went a little over board and caught me way off guard... my hair was straight , he said he was going to sprinkle and he poured and those of you who were there remember that whole thing... but i didn't do it because i thought GOD wasn't hearing my preyers.. that my friends is stupid... now back on track ] is more then slightly ridiculous. which leads me to believe you are controlled only by the thoughts and beliefs that you allow to govern your life.  it kills me to think  of the millions of different religious groups around the world each one believes with all their heart that their religion is the one that will save them in the after life. Well i got news for you, NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING about the after life. there was a south park episode that captured this best. Someone died and went to hell, and he couldn't understand why he was in hell because he had lived his whole life as a Christian and someone turned to him and said oh sorry the Mormons had it right. i personally feel more comfortable calling my self spirital than relgious. religion seems to be a control mechanism on the contrary i feel i have more freedom in being spiritual because i get to use my inate judgement rather than believing what i  was told to believe. I don't think that people need a book to tell them how to live their lives. Some how i just know it's wrong to kill. No one had to tell me that, if GOD is so powerful you don't think that he would have built that inside you? you think he needs to provide you with an instruction guide that is always the umber one selling book? he might, but i question everything until I'm comfortable with the answer.